Thursday, 12 September 2019

Let's look after our Environment!!

On a nice sunny day, I went out for walk at the park. While I was walking, I saw this half dead half alive tree and I was wondering why there was a tree like this. The dark part of the tree was black, dead, dusty, there was an Eagle on top of the dead tree and it was like the Eagle was the boss of the dark side.

The light side of the tree was beautiful, alive and colourful. As I was looking around, I saw a little baby deer walking and it was like it was telling me to walk the good path, so I did!
If we don't make a change to world, we could all die from pollution and animals can die from our rubbish. If you want to live a healthy life style and want to look after our beautiful world, it is simple; just to pick up your rubbish so that we can STOP global warming. So please do this!

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