Monday, 10 June 2019

                                                                 ðŸ˜­ Cross Country😰
On Monday the 10th of June, here at school, the  Kauri team met up at the school hall steps.
Before we started Ms Mills ,Ms Oshea and Miss Green told us the instructions.
Kauri team had to go into their year groups.

After all the instructions, we were all ready ! The year 6 boys had go first then the year 6 girls had to go next the year 5 boys then year 5 girls. We had to run outside the school then down Rangeview Road then Halberg Park then down the Marist Rugby field and then up the hill turning right to go back to school. We all felt tired and sweaty but I felt like I could just put my whole body in a giant ice cube because I was hot.