Friday, 17 May 2019

Stardome trip

On Thursday, the 16th of may Rooms 23,19,16
went to Stardome by bus. We went there to learn about space and to have fun.This guy called John told us what it's like on Mars and space.
He told us that Mars has a thin atmosphere with less air.
I felt so happy when I heard that we are going to Stardome!


  1. Hi Marcus its Olly from room 8 and my class went to star dome but we went in the morning and it was so much fun. did you know that there is 5 dwarf planets in our solar system? check out my blog by copying this link

  2. Hey Marcus its me Luca from Rm =22 here. When I went to Stardome I went after the people in the morning. my favorite part is when we did the quiz and actually getting first place. I like when he told us that you can fit 1 million earths in the sun!


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